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Our 5@7, on Vachement Gourmand

Our 5@7

Vachement Gourmand is your best partner to valorise your customers and your contributors.

Share your passion to live uniques and great professionals steps.

5@7 without animation

Plate of deli meats "vachement" artisanals - 15$

Plate of gourmet cheeses from Quebec - 15$

Plate of salmon as we like it - 15$

(Rillettes, tartars...)

Foie gars - 16$

New Brunswick's sturgeon - 17$

AAA beef burger (200 grs) - 12$

(With potato chips or salad)

Home made hot dog - 9$

Virginie's migniardises - 8$

5@7 with animation

To valorise your clients is also to propose them multiples 5@7.

Travel with wine, discover surprising food and wine pairings.

Learn the basics of wine degustation et discover how to talk about it.

The animation are made by Bruno Meril, master sommelier and "Meilleur ouvirer de France Sommelier"

Quebec's cheeses and beers from microbrewery.

Around the foie gras.

Sparklings, crémants, champagne and their differences.

Playful initiation to degustation and to basics of wine and food pairings.

Salmon in all its states and the sauvignon.

Fun with liquid nitrogen.

Beers around our barbecue.

Chocolates and ice ciders.

Contact us for any other information by calling at 514 766 2233 or by email at info@vachementgourmand.ca

Our liquor license authorize us the service of wine or beers only accompanied with a main dish.